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Dry Shampoo

How do I use the Dry Shampoo?

Sprinkle as needed directly to the roots of your hair. Brush through your hair to distribute or work the product in with your fingers. Style as normal. "Will this just explode in a powdery mess when I open the cap?!" Valid concern! We recommend openi

What Dry Shampoo Formula should I choose?

We offer both a light and dark formula, making this dry shampoo suitable for all hair colors and textures. It is curly hair-friendly! Shades of blonde or gray should opt for the light formula, while brown and black shades should go for the dark formu

Which Dry Shampoo do I choose for Gray Hair?

Our Dry Shampoo for light hair has a very light color so you can use it on blonde or gray hair. You don't need very much powder at all so it will last for a while. It completely soaks in within 10 minutes and will leave your hair looking as if you've